There are a lot of LocArtista news 🙂
Briefly: Note down next Thursday, 22nd April, 7 pm for the next FINTA artist café, be proud about Ella’s talk with musicBWwomen and rejoice about our attempt of a punny distance group photo with the theme “The cranisation of patriarchy – no want for DICKtatorship!“
Next FINTA artist café
First things first: The next FINTA artist café will take place Thurstday, 22nd April, 7 pm: If you are up for networking with FINTA artists, message us!
We’ll post the link for the meet-up a few days beforehand on social media. Look forward to relaxed chilling out and getting to know each other. Get yourself some beverage & click to it. We are looking forward to you! Everybody is welcome!
Ella at the Club of Heroines*
We are super proud that one of our founders, Ella was keynote speaker at the Club of Heroines* of musicBWwomen. Her talk „In Freiburg gibt es keine Female oder Non-binary Artists!? – Eine gewagte These heteronormativ männlicher Kunstzustände“ (english: There are no female and non-binary artists in Freiburg!? – A daring thesis of heteronormative male art conditions) dealt with how and why LocArtista was founded and why networking and digital presence of female, inter, non-binary, trans and agender artists is indispensable, especially in times of Corona.
Our distance group photo
And then of course our absolute highlight: our distance group photo: “The cranisation of patriarchy – no want for DICKtatorship!“, also called the funniest attempt to take a distance group photo. If you have ever wondered who are the smart people who are currently the core team behind LocArtista – here is our distance group photo answer (from left to right):
Ella, responsible for training our laughing muscles & core conceptionalist; Marleen, reacting fast as a rocket & art therapist; Ute, expert for laptop yoga & cultural activist; Kaja, dog & event tamer and Bea, drummer & beatzeps legend.
Love to all of you female and non-binary artists out there! We see you!